Our Clients
Using a unique form of improv for team building, creativity, and camaraderie

Duke crest with blue lettering saying Duke on a white background

Green logo with woman cartoon looking at bread

visa logo with visa name in the middle

Blue building with white letters saying Lowe's

Drawing of a plane (colored blue) landing with Gulfstream written at the bottom

IR name in red with a red circle around it

Honeywell logo. red lettering and simpel look

McKinsey logo with white lettering and blue background

Nissan grey logo with red background

Davidson college logo with intersecting D and C in red and the word Davidson in white

A in center of picture with purple background

Red ventures has the word RED in red and ventures in in black on a white background

south california women in higher education

red ovals close together with JLL written in black and a white background

Blue background with white lettering saying Samsung

Ahold Delhaize in green with and off green background

Picture of a partial boat coming toward Vanguard name written in red color

Atrium Health written in green with a white background

PRA Health sciences written in pink with a white background

Crown with Charlotte Office of Mayor in black writing with a white background

Troutman written in green and sanders written in black. It's a law firm

Krispy Kreme written in red with a green border

Dark blue lettering saying tiaa cref on white background

North Carolina coaching logo with white lettering and a blue background

Wells Fargo Bank written in yellow with a red background

Octagon is written in red with a white background

NC State is written in white with a red background

Crest of a woman holding out her hand and at the bottom it says UNCG

WFAE written in dark blue with the earth in the middle of their radio number 90.7

FMI is written in green with a scan tag

Barr Brands in blue with a lower case b at the top and a blue ball in the center of the lower case b

Insight written in brown coloring with dots and lines to the right of it